Twitch Korean Statistics


Live viewers

7-day avg. viewers

Live channels

7-day avg. channels

By-hour averges for the last 7 days


  • According to the chart, the highest ratio is at , when there are viewers per live stream.
  • Currently, the number of concurrent viewers is than the average for this hour, which is .
  • The top 10 Korean channels account for about 47% of the total Korean viewing time for the week.
  • Use this chart to determine the best time to stream for Korean Twitch audience.

Concurrent Viewers

Concurrent Channels

Top Korean Channels

Channel Viewership
한갱 8110
고라니율 4981
마젠타_ 1692
수련수련 1140
오버워치_이스포츠 928
겨우디 872
문뚜야 795
명아츄 680
갓리타 638
독고민 547